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How do I create a new partition in Windows Server 2012 and 2008 R2?

You can add a partition in Windows Server 2008 R2 by following these steps:

  1. Click 'Start' then 'Administrative Tools' and 'Computer Management’.
  2. Go to 'Disk Management’.
  3. Check to see if there's free disk space available (Action > Rescan Disks).
  4. Right-click on the 'Unallocated' space and Select 'New Simple Volume’.
  5. Click 'Next’.
  6. Choose what size the partition should be and click 'next’.
  7. Choose a drive letter and click 'next’.
  8. Here you can choose to format the new partition with either ex-FAT or NTFS. We advise you choose NTFS as this is the better filesystem. The allocation unit size can be set to default or a custom unit size. You can enter a name for the partition under ‘Volume label’.
  9. Check the 'Perform a quick format’ box and click 'next'.
  10. Review the configuration and click 'finish' to complete the wizard.

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