IPv6-only virtual machines made for building & testing.
/ Built it, break it, release it.
Every website or web application deserves a reliable workspace. A place where you can test and experiment with speed and ease. It was from this ideal that SandboxVPS was born. Production features like automatic backups, TCP monitoring and IPv4 support are dropped in favor of an approachable VPS testing environment. Are you done testing? Then simply upgrade your SandboxVPS to a BladeVPS or PerformanceVPS production environment.
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/ What our customers say

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/ Highly available load balancer
HA-IP Pro is an out of the box load balancer that evenly distributes inbound traffic over your VPSs. Using this load balancer, you can build a scalable infrastructure with high availability in no time.
/ Highly available address for your VPS
HA-IP allows you to send any TCP traffic to one BladeVPS. Because you can switch to another server rapidly, your VPS is never your single point of failure.
/ Everything in your own hands
You can easily manage your entire setup in the control panel. You always have direct access to your VPSs through the console.